A Better World
From its inception, the Orchid Spec focused on a cradle-to-cradle design that maximises environmental sustainability. The state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in The Netherlands operates highly CO2 efficient and has optimised natural resource management such as water and waste. The product and packaging design have optimised weight and volume reduction, limiting the material usage and logistics footprint.
Orchid Spec BIO

Medium Bio
Made From 100% Sugarcane
* Top Seller - Bio Based*

Used in 11% of Procedures

Used in 61% of Procedures
* Top Seller *

Used in 21% of procedures

Used in 7% of Procedures

Used in 11% of Procedures

Used in 61% of Procedures
* Top Seller *

Used in 21% of Procedures

Used in 7% of Procedures
Orchid Spec SPX - Smoke Plume eXtraction

Medium SPX
Used in 37% of Procedures
* Top Seller *

Wide SPX
Used in 41% of Procedures
* Top Seller *

Long SPX
Used in 12% of Procedures
Orchid Spec Open & Open SPX - Open Sided

Open Medium White
* Recommended with NovaSure® Hologic® *

Open Wide White
* Top Seller *

Open Medium Clear

Open Wide Clear

Open Medium SPX

Open Wide SPX
* New *
"I greatly prefer working with the Orchid Spec. Its smooth, soft and elegant appearance and easy application make it brilliant to work with. Our patients continuously compliment us on the vast improvement over using the metal special of the past."
Prof. Dr. M.Y. Bongers
Gynaecologist & International speaker. Máxima Medical Center, Veldhoven
It’s the most user-friendly speculum we’ve seen. It offers optimal manipulation and reliable operation, and it’s smooth and aesthetically pleasing. Patients prefer it.”
Theresa Freeman-Wang
Consultant Gynaecologist at The Portland Hospital
The best speculum available today. Both patient and user friendly with optimal performance during all procedures indicated.
Prof. Dr. M. H. Emanuel
Gynaecologist and innovator UMC Utrecht, Bergman Clinics Hilversum, and UZ Ghent.